
My Tips for Styling Statement Earrings

March 29, 2019

If you were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing you would want with you?

Lately, it seems like I would want my earring collection with me. But let's be honest, they wouldn't save me from anything. ....but they're just so dang CUTE.

Statement earrings are my accessory of choice these days. I've been intentionally planning my outfits to style with a bold pair of earrings. Whether they're resin hoops, marbleized discs or tortoiseshell pull-throughs, I find a way to wear them.

The Monday Motivator | Confidence Is Just Entitlement

March 25, 2019

The Monday Motivator is a series meant to motivate, encourage, inspire and provide advice on real life stuff.*

I've chatted a lot about Mindy Kaling's book "Why Not Me?" the past month and it's because it was just so stinkin' good. You can read my book review here.

The book is full of quotable sentences that make you laugh out loud, and even say "hell yeah!" But there was one chapter in particular that I've thought about since I read it. The chapter is called, just like the book, "Why Not Me?". Mindy talks about the term "entitlement" and how it's been awarded a bad reputation, but in reality, confidence is just entitlement. Don't get me wrong, there is a BAD kind of entitlement. But Mindy's point is how it's OKAY to feel entitled when you've worked your butt off and know your stuff.

Tips for Spring Transitioning

March 21, 2019

Yesterday was the spring equinox, so it's TECHNICALLY spring, even if it doesn't quite feel like it yet.

We're still battling 40 degree temps and rain in the Midwest, but you know what they say- can't get the flowers without the showers!

This is a difficult transitional period for my fellow fashionistas. We're tired of our winter clothing; plus it's not exactly cold enough to be wearing chunky sweaters. But it's not warm enough to declare spring in your wardrobe, either. So how can we "think spring" when spring pieces are a tad out of our reach?

The Monday Motivator | On Friendship

March 18, 2019

The Monday Motivator is a series meant to motivate, encourage, inspire and provide advice on real life stuff.*

The Beatles once sang  "I get by with a little help from my friends."  They weren't lying. We need friends. Friendship is important.

Our friends make us laugh. They're present for some of our biggest moments. They see us for who we are and understand us for what we're not.

Old Navy Spring Wish List

March 14, 2019

I've said it once and I'll say it again; after what's been a very long and SUPER harsh winter, I am SO. READY. FOR. SPRING!

I'm so anxious for its arrival and it doesn't help that all the new spring fashion is hitting the racks. I can't wait to start shopping for new pieces!

The Monday Motivator | Books That Motivated Me

March 11, 2019

The Monday Motivator is a series meant to motivate, encourage, inspire and provide advice on real life stuff.*

Happy Monday!

Since I'm always the voice behind the motivation in my weekly Monday Motivators, I decided that for this week's post, I would write about voices that have motivated me.

Keeping on brand with my reading goal for 2019, I've chosen five books I've read that I personally feel have inspiring content and motivating messages.

Bath & Beauty Report | March Picks

March 7, 2019

Happy March, y'all!

Spring is getting closer- I can feel it! With the anticipation of its arrival, you may be feeling the urge to get rid of stuff you no longer wear or use and make room for some fresh, new products. The spring cleaning bug has already bit me and I've started with purging some handbags first.

I've also been sorting through my beauty products to throw out what I'm no longer using. I picked up a few new things as well and am sharing them with you in today's Bath & Beauty Report!

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