
The Monday Motivator | On Being Spontaneous

October 1, 2018

The Monday Motivator is a series meant to motivate, encourage, inspire and provide advice on real life stuff.*
Another Monday has begun- get that coffee brewing!

Last week was a crazy, chaotic upside down MESS. I got selected for jury duty and spent a lot of time out of the office, and my usual routine went to shit. Although it's nice to get a break from work, I also know I will pay for it this week playing catchup. 

I am a creature of habit. In fact, we all are; some of us just go about it in different ways than others. I personally always like to have a plan- something that keeps me on track and positions me to know what to except from day to day. But just as much as I LOVE to plan, I also get bored with the same old routines.

When people hear the word "spontaneous," it tends to get confused with the idea of being super outgoing and adventurous. So if you're not the adventurous type, you automatically assume you're not spontaneous. 


Being spontaneous doesn't always mean quitting your day job, traveling the world, climbing a mountain or jumping out of a plane. I mean, yeah, those are obviously very spontaneous activities, and if that's your cup of tea then GO DO IT. But you don't have to do these mentioned tasks to add a little spontaneity into your life. 

Be spontaneous by breaking away from the plan. Forget the schedule. Don't make a to-do list. Do something different and take the day as it comes.

My weekdays are on such a strict schedule because of my work routine, so when I don't have plans for the weekend, I like being spontaneous. 

This past Saturday, I explored a local town with my mom during their fall fair. We found flea markets, junk sales and even ended up at a log cabin that was hosting a small festival, complete with a walking path in the backyard that went over the coolest bridge. We last minute decided to stop at the fair, too- we checked out the food vendors and listened to live music. 

Although we knew the town we were headed to, we didn't plan this day. There was no schedule written down and we just drove and stopped whenever we wanted. It may not be skydiving, but a day like that is still the definition of spontaneous. 

It's easy to get caught up in the same old same old. But the more random and spontaneous activities we sprinkle into our lives, the better. I find that these unexpected plans always turn out to be some of my favorite days.

There is a lightness that comes with ditching the routine. You'll see.

Get going,

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