
The Monday Motivator | You Are Here

September 24, 2018

The Monday Motivator is a series meant to motivate, encourage, inspire and provide advice on real life stuff.*

Let's start the week out like this:

You are here.
This very moment was made for you. And all of the moments to follow, too.
Your story is written but you haven't read it before.
Each day new pages. Each year a new chapter.
Although it is written, you are the narrator. Only you can tell the story as it unfolds. 
Page by page, you decide how to share it.
Is it positive or negative?
Are we laughing or crying?
Are you facing the sun or stuck in the rain?
Perhaps dancing in the rain?
The decision is yours.
Tell your stories. Share your journey. Let the world read your book. 
Don't forget.
You are here.
You matter.
And you are magnificent. 

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