
Farewell, 2017

December 29, 2017

Alright, it officially feels like YESTERDAY that I was writing my Farewell, 2016 blog post and now here we are again! Anyone else feel like this year went by EXTRA fast?

Before I start to pack my bags and head off to ring in the new year, I wanted to reflect on last year's post to see how successful I was with my resolutions, and create some new goals for 2018.

My 2017 resolutions were:

This is a resolution I will probably never commit to 100 percent, but I can say that I took baby steps toward being less busy and not feeling bad about it. I spent a good amount of Fridays eating pizza with my family while lounging on the couch instead of going out. I worked hard to make time for my friends, but not to the point where I was TOO busy and stressed. And I worked up the courage to say no sometimes when I'm feeling weighed down. Like I said, baby steps. I know I'll ALWAYS be a naturally busy person, but finding a way to also accept that I need time to not be busy is key.

I REALLY worked hard on this resolution because it was two things I wasn't doing enough. Overall, it was about making time for MYSELF through things other than shopping and blogging. I successfully read six books this year and either finished or am continuously watching nine TV shows. It really didn't feel like much until now when I'm sitting back and looking at the numbers. My favorite book I read was Ice Cream for Breakfast by Laura Jane Williams and my favorite show I finished was (no contest) Gilmore Girls. I'm currently reading Hello Sunshine by Laura Dave and watching the show Nashville to carry me into the new year.

Y'all, I kicked my closet's butt this year. It was A LOT of work that took up a good chunk of my time, but in the end, I've gotten rid of piles of clothing, made room in my closet and became much more focused on wearing and buying simple pieces that are versatile. I'm proud to say it's been a huge weight off my shoulders to just kiss stuff goodbye and change my closet for the better.


I really haven't had as much time this year to hit the thrift stores, but I've found it to help me with this resolution. Since I don't go as often, I'm not buying as much just for the sake of buying something. Now when I'm hitting up Goodwill, it is more of a treat, so I take my time and look for items I know I'm really going to love and get use out of. Although I have less time to thrift, this year I have spent more time in retail stores buying new items, and even though I'm usually finding reasonable prices or discounts, this is something I'd like to cut back on for 2018.

But enough with the reflecting! It's time to set some serious goals for the new year.

My 2018 resolutions are:

I've found that in 2017 especially, I was playing the comparison game A LOT. I feel like most women in their 20s struggle with this. I'm striving to be more accepting of my individual path this year by recognizing that I am right where I am supposed to be and by being thankful for my life exactly as it is. Whether it's with my blog or the stage I'm at in life, my resolution is to find happiness in my unique path.

I stopped practicing yoga a while back due to some issues I was having with my shoulder. In 2017, I spent time with doctors and physical therapists to get back to 100 percent. Now that I'm feeling better, I want to officially come back to my mat at home this coming year and practice weekly with some great yoga apps I found on my iPad. I know it will help me to be both active and more relaxed.

This resolution is being spiraled off last year's "stop the glorification of busy" resolution. I had no problem learning how to simplify my schedule, but now I have to work on taking it easy. I find myself constantly stressing about things I need to do or not having enough time to get things done. By helping myself learn to take it easy, I can let go of things worrying me that are (honestly) so minimal and just begin to go with the flow.


Alright, I'm not saying I will be quitting my job to travel all year, but my resolution is to work harder to plan a few trips in 2018. In February, I will be road tripping to Wisconsin with two of my best friends to see a concert, so that's already a step in the right direction! Plus, Adam and I are going away this weekend to a resort to treat ourselves to a good meal and enjoy a New Year's Eve party. (I've never been away for NYE!) I would also love to go to Santa Rosa, California for my birthday to visit the Charles Schulz museum, and if Adam's schedule allows, we might take (MY FIRST!) trip to Disney World. I'm also dying to go to Nashville. My resolution overall is just to be more open to taking trips, big or small; even if it is just for a quick weekend.


This year has been full of some major ups, major downs and a whole lotta sideways. I am LOVING being an aunt, Adam is on the road to recovery from his recent injury, and I have a strong feeling that 2018 is going to be nothing short of magic.

More fun coming to the blog in the new year! See you then.

Get your party hat on,

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